Winrt api reference guide

Programming the Windows Runtime by Example: A Comprehensive Guide to WinRT with Examples in C# and XAML (Microsoft Windows Development Series) [Jeremy Likness, John Garland] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Master Windows 8.1/Windows Runtime Programming Through 80 Expert Projects This is the most complete, hands-on
















Feb 17, 2012 · WinRT for coding for Windows 8? Is .NET really such rubbish? I'm all for improvements, and an object-oriented API such as WinRT and the COM improvements are lovely in isolation. The problem it Introduction to the C/C++ API > This document introduces the C/C++ API. Users should read this document before the C/C++ API Reference Guide linked below. How To Compile SQLite > Instructions and hints for compiling SQLite C code and integrating that code with your own application. C++/WinRT. C++/WinRT is a standard C++ language projection for the Windows Runtime implemented solely in header files. It allows you to both author and consume Windows Runtime APIs using any standards-compliant C++ compiler. C++/WinRT is designed to provide C++ developers with first-class access to the modern Windows API. I do not a specific functionality, it is a study to access WinRT from our application. What steps to I have to take to call a WinRT API? Is there any guide? I read through the link and saw the sentence: "Custom WinRT components are only supported in Metro style applications. They are not supported in Desktop applications." For help with calling WinRT API from desktop apps in general please post in the desktop forums (I'll move this for you). As Azat says, the details will depend on how you write your console app (.Net, C++/WinRT, C++/Cx, straight C++, etc.) If you can use .Net, C++/WinRT or C++/Cx in your app then calling WinRT API is pretty straightforward. The Windows Runtime (WinRT) is a new COM-like API that allows targeting from a variety of languages (JavaScript, .NET, C++). This is possible by creating "projections"

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